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School Policies
Nut Safe Environment
Due to the increase in allergies nationwide, Community is a "nut safe" environment. All nut products will be excluded from all lunches and snacks. Check with your child's teacher for other allergies that may be in the classroom.
Late Arrivals and Pick Ups
Community starts at 9:00am (2s/3s) and 9:15am (4s). We ask that you arrive on time as not to disrupt the rest of the class with a late arrival. If necessary, parents will be reminded to arrive on time. School is dismissed at 11:30am for the 2's (12:30pm for lunch bunch children), 1:00pm for the 3's (3:00pm if staying for extended day), and 1:15pm for the 4's (3:00pm if staying for extended day).
If a child hasn't been picked up within 10 minutes of dismissal, the parent is called. If there is no answer, the first person on the emergency list is called. If no answer, we will continue calling people on the list. In the event the child is not picked up after 30 minutes, the Wilton Police Department will be notified in accordance with CT state law. If a late pick up starts to happen regularly, the teacher or director will speak to the parent and if it still continues, then a fee of $10 per minute that the parent is late will be assessed. The Director reserves the right to revoke the child's registered space if this policy is abused.​
If a child is going home with someone other than their parent, the parent must notify the teacher and director and let them know who the child will be going home with in writing.
Inclement Weather
In the event that Wilton Public Schools are closed, Community will be closed as well. However, if WPS are delayed by 2 hours, we will delay our start time by 1 hour and start at 10:00am. If WPS closes early, we will dismiss at 11:30am.
We regularly check with the Wilton Police Department to ensure the safety of our school. If you would like to know more about our security policy, please check with the director.
Staff Training
In each classroom, there is at least one staff member who has been trained in CPR and first aid and is certified to administer medication and EpiPens. Our staff also participates in yearly development.
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